Following the success of our previous course, we’re launching a new Process to Practice course with Lior Shamriz.
From a TV series starring wild-west robots to artist workshops in self-organized art-spaces comes a demand that we address our current crisis by looking inside – as if consciousness arises simply from within.
As a starting point for the class we assert that this notion of consciousness is an unfortunate vintage, faux-transgressive falsehood. Instead, we will explore an integrative and relational approach to examine the following chain as an algorithmic social building block.
{ viewer → screen → camera → performer → object }
In short, this class, composed of actors, performers, visual artists, writers and directors – will focus on looking and being looked at – performers and camera.
A greater chunk of the time will be given to experimenting with filming in class and there will be opportunities for participants to share works in progress for feedback. During these 8 weeks, outside of class, Shamriz will be filming a new project – “The Recursive Stage” and will share some of that experience with the class.
See attached PDF for full syllabus: